Term of use

  1. User Terms of Service
  2. You are welcome to use "YoYo Novel" (hereinafter referred to as "this product"). Before using this product and related services, please read this user agreement (especially the content marked in bold and underlined) in detail.
  3. 1. Confirmation of Terms of Service
  4. The ownership of the company's products and the intellectual property rights of the related software belong to the company. The services provided must be strictly implemented in accordance with its terms of service and operating rules. The validity of these terms of service covers all products and services, and users shall be bound by these terms of service when they enjoy any single service.
  5. When using each individual service, the user shall agree to the terms of service of the individual service and various announcements issued by the company in the individual service (hereinafter referred to as "single terms") in an approved manner. In this case, the individual terms and this The terms of service also have effect on the user. If there is a conflict between a single clause and these terms of service, the single clause shall prevail within the scope of the single clause. If you refuse to agree to the terms of service of a single service, you should immediately stop using the single service.
  6. 2. Modification of Terms of Service
  7. The company reserves the right to revise these terms of service and the relevant terms of each individual service through reasonable means such as announcements on the client when necessary. When enjoying various services, users should check and understand the modified content in time, and consciously abide by the terms of service and the relevant terms of the individual service. If the user continues to use the services involved in the terms of service, it is deemed to agree to the modified content. In the event of a relevant dispute, the latest terms of service shall prevail; if the user does not agree to the modified content, the user has the right to stop using the service. Services covered by the terms.
  8. 3. Change or suspension of services
  9. The company is always changing and improving the service. The company may add or remove features, and may suspend or stop a service altogether. The user agrees that the company has the right to exercise the above rights without any responsibility to the user or third parties.
  10. 4. Special tips for teenage users
  11. Young users must abide by the National Youth Network Civilization Convention:
  12. Be good at online learning, do not browse bad information; communicate honestly and friendly, do not insult and defraud others; enhance self-protection awareness, do not randomly date netizens; maintain network security and do not disrupt network order; be beneficial to physical and mental health, and do not indulge in virtual time and space .
  13. 5. Force Majeure Clause
  14. The company is not responsible for losses caused by force majeure. The force majeure referred to in these terms of service includes: natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations or government orders, and reasons unique to the characteristics of network services, such as failures of basic telecommunications operators at home and abroad, computer or Internet-related technical defects, Internet coverage limitations, computer Factors such as viruses, hacker attacks, and other unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective situations within the legal scope.
  15. 6. Prohibition of commercialization of services
  16. The user undertakes that without the consent of the company, the user cannot use the services for sales or other commercial purposes. If users need to use the service for commercial purposes, they should notify in writing and obtain explicit authorization.
  17. 7. User management
  18. Users are solely responsible for their published content. User's use of the Services must comply with all local, national and international laws applicable to the Services. User promises:
  19. (1) When users publish information on products or use services, they must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, and are not allowed to produce, copy, publish, or disseminate the following information on products or services:
  20. (a) Violating the fundamental principles established by the Constitution;
  21. (b) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
  22. (c) Damage to national honor and interests;
  23. (d) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
  24. (e) Undermining the state's religious policy and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
  25. (f) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;
  26. (g) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or instigating crimes;
  27. (h) Insulting or slandering others and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;
  28. (i) Inciting illegal assemblies, associations, processions, demonstrations, or gatherings to disrupt social order;
  29. (j) Acting in the name of an illegal civil organization;
  30. (k) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
  31. (2) When users publish information or use services on their clients, they must also comply with the laws and regulations of other relevant countries and regions and the relevant regulations of international law. Users are required to abide by laws and regulations to use the service.
  32. (3) Users shall not use the services to engage in the following activities:
  33. (a) Entering computer information network or using computer information network resources without permission;
  34. (b) Deletion, modification or addition of computer information network functions without permission;
  35. (c) Deletion, modification or addition of data and applications stored, processed or transmitted in the computer information network without permission;
  36. (d) Deliberately making or spreading destructive programs such as computer viruses;
  37. (e) Other acts that endanger the security of computer information networks.
  38. (4) The user shall not interfere with the service in any way.
  39. (5) Users shall not abuse the service, including but not limited to: using the service to conduct other acts that infringe upon the intellectual property rights or legitimate interests of others.
  40. (6) All other regulations and procedures to be followed by users.
  41. Users must bear legal responsibility for their behaviors in the process of using the service. The forms of legal liability for users include, but are not limited to: compensation for the infringed, and after the company first assumes the responsibility for administrative penalties or infringement damages caused by the user's behavior, the user should pay the company an equal amount of compensation. If the user violates the above provisions, the user has the right to make an independent judgment to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of part or all of the services to the user, including measures such as locking, canceling, and deleting the user account. The user understands that if it is found that the information transmitted by its website obviously belongs to one of the contents listed in the above paragraph (1), according to Chinese law, it is obliged to immediately stop the transmission, save the relevant records, report to the relevant state authorities, and delete the content containing the content. address, directory, or shut down the server.
  42. Users' use of electronic bulletin services, including electronic bulletin boards, electronic whiteboards, electronic forums, and message boards to provide Internet users with information release conditions in an interactive form, must also abide by the provisions of this article and the rules for electronic bulletin services that will be specially released. The legal consequences and legal responsibilities described in also apply to users of the Electronic Bulletin Service.
  43. 8. Guarantee
  44. The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of all members of the company, and bear the compensation for damages caused by the user's violation of the terms of service, and the costs incurred by others using the user's computer and account. If the user or the use of the user account infringes the intellectual property rights and other rights of the third party and causes the infringed party to claim compensation, the user shall be responsible.
  45. If users or other network service providers use the company's services to infringe upon the civil rights and interests of others, they shall bear legal liabilities such as infringement.
  46. If the user uses the company's services to commit infringement, the infringed person has the right to notify the company to take necessary measures such as deletion, blocking, and disconnection. After the company receives the notice, if it fails to take necessary measures in time due to its own fault, it shall be liable in accordance with the law.
  47. 9. Notice
  48. All notices to users may be delivered by e-mail, regular mail or by posting a prominent position on the website. The Company will pass messages to users through one of the above methods, informing them of changes to the terms of service, service changes, or other important events. At the same time, the company reserves the right to place commercial advertisements on users who have applied.
  49. 10. Ownership of content and trademarks
  50. The content provided by the company includes but is not limited to: text, software, sound, photos, videos, graphics, etc. uploaded/provided by non-users. All of these contents belong to the company and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other property ownership laws. Therefore, users can only use these contents under the authorization of the company, and cannot copy, reproduce or create derivative products related to the contents without authorization.
  51. etc., as well as other company logos and product and service names, are trademarks of the company (the "Marks"). You may not display or use or otherwise deal with the Logos in any way without the prior written consent of the Company, and you may not indicate to others that you have the right to display, use, or otherwise have the right to deal with the Logos.
  52. 11. Law
  53. These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China and shall exclude the application of all conflict of laws provisions.
  54. In the event of a dispute, the user and the company agree to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the court where the company is located.
  55. 12. Information storage and related intellectual property rights
  56. The company will try its best to maintain the security and convenience of all services on the account, but does not assume any responsibility for the deletion or failure of storage of information appearing in the service (including but not limited to information posted by users). In addition, the company has the right to determine whether the user's behavior meets the requirements of the terms of service. If the user violates the provisions of the terms of service, the company has the right to suspend or terminate the service to its account.
  57. The company respects intellectual property rights and pays attention to protecting the rights enjoyed by users. In the services included in the account, users may need to provide content to the company through various methods such as uploading and publishing. In this case, the user still owns the complete intellectual property rights of such content. By providing content, users grant Company a worldwide free license to use, transmit, reproduce, modify, sublicense, translate, create derivative works from, publish, perform and display such content.
  58. 13. Other
  59. (1) The company's failure to exercise, fail to exercise in time or not fully exercise the rights it enjoys in this clause or in accordance with the law shall not be regarded as a waiver of such rights, nor will it affect the company's future exercise of such rights.
  60. (2) If any clause in these Terms is completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining clauses of this Terms of Service shall still be valid and binding, and the company and users shall try their best to make the clauses set intent is realized.
  61. (3) The headings in this clause are for convenience only and shall not be used as a basis for interpretation of this clause.